Saturday, March 22, 2014

My New Project(s)

If you follow me on Twitter, which you should, you might have noticed me posting about editors and/or things related to writing. That's because the new project that I am working on is writing a collection of short stories. Horror stories of course.

My goal is to write ten stories in total for the collection. I am working with an editor after I complete each rough draft to help polish them. As of right now, I have two stories completed.

Why am I writing short stories? Honestly, I have always wanted to write a book of short stories, but never actually dove into doing one. Once my film RedFall died, I thought now was the best time as ever to do it. I have a lot of random ideas, mostly ideas that were conceived as a plot for a feature film. So I thought to myself, why not turn those ideas into short stories and at least get them out into the world for people to enjoy.

I am also inspired by Clive Barker to write a book of short stories. He is mostly an author, but has directed some feature films. He is most famous for creating the Hellraiser series and the character Pinhead. Clive Barker writes novels, but every so often releases a book of short stories titled the Books of Blood. Seven of his short stories have actually been adapted by others into feature films, including 2008's The Midnight Meat Train and 1992's Candyman.

Although I am focused on writing short stories for my collection, I am about to take a break from writing them so I can complete a screenplay I have been working on for years. is holding the 2nd Annual ScreamCraft Horror Script Contest and the deadline is June 1st. Not only do I think it would be cool to enter and just see what happens, but it also gives me an excuse to kick myself into gear and finally complete the script.

You never know what could happen from there.

- Matt


  1. After hearing some of your ideas, I am calling dibs for first in line when you do your first signing.
