From 1989 to 1996, HBO aired a horror show called Tales from the Crypt. With 93 episodes spanning over 7 seasons, each half hour episode had its own story and followed a different set of characters. A rotting corpse known as The Crypt Keeper hosted the show, setting up each episode’s story before it began and closing the episode out after it finished.
Television shows revolving around horror are very popular right now. There has been a surge of horror themed shows in the last few years. Shows like Bates Motel, Hannibal, American Horror Story, and The Walking Dead. I know there are many more on the air right now, but these are the ones that I try to keep up with and enjoy. They are all brilliant in their own way. Some are even pushing the boundaries on how much gore they can show on cable.
New seasons of Tales from the Crypt could capitalize on the growing trend of horror television shows. However, I believe Tales from the Crypt would still stand out from the crowd, not only from its history, but also from the intrigue of each episode having a different unique story. That way there could always be something for everyone.
This is why I think now (as I write this in 2015) is the best time to bring back the Tales from the Crypt television show. I say the television show, because Tales from the Crypt appeared first in comic book form back in the 1950’s.
Tales from the Crypt not only had one of the most memorable theme songs (I am humming it to myself as I write this), but it also had one of the most memorable show openings. The camera slowly moving its way inside a mansion, down the stairs to a dungeon, all the way to the coffin The Crypt Keeper rested in. To this day, I think it is the coolest thing. People who remember the show know what I am talking about, if you do not, then take a trip on over to YouTube.
The show’s host, The Crypt Keeper, was a puppet operated by a six-man crew and voiced by John Kassir. According to his IMDb page, John Kassir is still very active. He also makes appearances at conventions. Having him come back to the show is a no-brainer. I know they are many talented voice actors out there, but having the original voice actor come back to voice The Crypt Keeper once again, would be amazing.
The story part of each episode (the tale) were always written and/or directed by someone new and featured an all-new cast. Theoretically, they could film multiple episodes simultaneously.
There are a lot of up-and-coming horror directors and writers with tons of fresh ideas just waiting to be tapped. I am sure most of them would kill to make an episode of Tales from the Crypt, not only for nostalgia purposes, but also for the chance to have their work shown on cable for millions to see. This opportunity could very well be the thing some of them are looking for the advance their careers.
I myself would die if I had a chance to write an episode. Once I got up off the floor, I would begin writing immediately.
In my opinion, I think the best time of the year to air any new episodes of Tales from the Crypt would be October. Starting in September, they could air a small season run of about eight episodes, going throughout October, and finishing up around Halloween. What is a better way to celebrate Halloween, than with the Crypt Keeper?
In conclusion, next year (2016) will be twenty years since the show has been off the air. I think it is about time The Crypt Keeper came back to tell us all some more tales.
That said, I think HBO, or whoever, should really consider bringing back Tales from the Crypt. I say "whoever," because I do not know who owns the rights to the television show anymore. To me, it does not really matter. Please, just bring back Tales from the Crypt.
- Matt